Goldendoodle Puppies For Sale



We just wanted to give a little update on our Bubba. He will be 4 in February and he has brought so much joy to us since the moment we brought him home. We just wanted to let you know…

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I just want to say that Boomer was a natural with the kids. He just knew to love them right away!

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Good morning Dede, Thanks for checking up on the pups! Charlie & Simba traveled perfectly. They had 0 accidents. They are so sweet, loving, and playful. My parents were sad to see both of them leave with their new families.…

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Hi Dede, I thought you might enjoy a dose of “cuteness” on this Saturday morning. 🙂 Winnie was born 2/11/14 at your place, and she has grown up to be a lovely young lady! Her red coat really sets her…

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Hi Dede! I just wanted to pass along a few new pictures of Beckett in case you wanted to use any on your site! I have been working hard with her this past year on laying still and listening calmly…

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Hi Dede and Bill, Just wanted to send you a photo of Winston at about 10 months. He’s everything we were looking for in a dog. He likes to be active outside with us when we go on hikes or…

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Koda Bear

Koda Bear

November, 2014 we welcomed Koda Bear into our family. From the beginning of our journey with you to the very end when we picked out Koda, it was a great experience. I want to thank you for everything. I thought…

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Tater Tot

Tater Tot

I wanted to give you an update on our little Tater Tot. She is the love of our life!!! I cannot imagine my life without her (even though she likes to wake up at 5:45am). She is such a smart,…

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I thought I would send you a recent photo of LEO who continues to grow everyday. He has added so much to our family and is exactly the type of dog I was looking for. We take him for walks…

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