Just thought I’d send you a couple pictures of our precious Darla. We just love her to pieces. Her and our 18 month old are best friends, and she plays so gentle with him, even though she’s already bigger than he is! She is super smart and very well behaved, we haven’t lost a shoe yet!!
She knows at least 10 commands now and picks up on things super quick! I’m happy to say she only pottied in our house 5 times before we had her trained, and she’s had the run of the house since very early on, not including at night. AND, not a single hair has been found on our furniture!
Everyone who meets her loves her, as she does them. People are ALWAYS stopping us to ask us what kind of dog we have and to tell us how cute she is, and we just say, “I know.” hahah
Hope you’re doing well.
Lindsay Russell