Dede, Sending along a few pics of our new addition “Norma”. She has been a…
Just wanted to send you a quick note about Duncan.
He is the best dog in the world. He is loving, gentle, smart and beautiful. We get stopped every single time we are walking him with people asking us where we got him. He trots like a show dog and loves picking up sticks.
He loves to play fetch and is learning how to bring the ball back. He was potty trained in two weeks and rings a bell when he wants to go outside. He loves to play tug. His favorite time to play is at 10:00 p.m. when we finally sit down on the couch to relax:) My husband who didn’t want a dog takes him every where he goes. Even to the grocery store. He is a wonderful member of our family.
Thank you for Duncan. He is simply the best!